Camp Treehouse Prayer Request
Fellow Prayer Warriors

2023 Update/2024 Goals:

In March 2023, Pastor Tom shared his 10+ year old vision for Camp Treehouse with his local fellowship Calvary Chapel Aspen Trail, with a simple request to simply pray for 4 weeks. Six weeks later we came together to see what God would have us do. It was then that we as a fellowship decided to start a building fund. We started collecting funds by July 2023 once we set up our 501(c)3 nonprofit status. Our initial year-end goal for Camp Treehouse was to raise $10K as a gauge to see if God was in it or not (this is how we prayed). By year-end God exceeded our expectation and we were able to raise a little more than $12K.

At the time, our small fellowship of approximately 20 Senior Citizens whose average monthly offering consisted of approximately $700 – $1,000. Once we decided to start the building fund our average monthly offerings shot up to approximately $2,500 – $3,000. Our commitment was to set aside 33% of our monthly offerings specifically for Camp Treehouse. Additionally, Pastor Tom began reaching out to folks on social media, wherein we set up a PayPal account for folks to donate either as a one-time donation, or as a monthly donation. Over the last 6 months, we have collected just shy of $2,000 with $495 in reoccurring monthly donations to continue indefinitely.

As of this post, we have raised a little more than $20K in less than a year ~ GOD IS GOOD!

As we moved forward in our obedience to God with trying to get Camp Treehouse built, our desire was to win folks to Christ, and to bring about healing for so many who struggle daily with combat/work related trauma, we have developed a list of our prayer needs for your consideration:
Prayer For:

[] Pray that we (all those involved in the Camp Treehouse ministry) will ALWAYS seek to put God first and to ALWAYS give Him the glory and praise for what He does in us and thru us, and that we all maintain a spirit of unity and obedience as we seek to leave an inheritance (a legacy) for the next generation to further the Kingdom of Christ!

[] Pray God will grant Pastor Tom and others in leadership both opportunities and the wisdom and discernment of who to speak to, when to speak to them, and what to say.

[] Pray the Lord will raise up an army of prayer warriors! For 2024 our goal is to have 1000 people (currently we have 554) willing to pray for Pastor Tom and for all aspects of Camp Treehouse daily.

[] Initial Formation of Camp – currently we are operating under the umbrella of Calvary Chapel Aspen Trail. Recently, we began the process to separate the two, and Camp Treehouse has applied for our own 501c3 nonprofit status. With that, the filing of the Bylaws specific to Camp Treehouse. This will allow for the inclusion of other individuals, churches, and organizations who can take part in the organization from both an administrative and operational standpoint.

[] Campaign Warriors /Partnerships – Pray the Lord will impress upon the hearts of individuals to partner with us in both their prayers and in their monthly financial support ($5, $10, $25 per month can really make a difference). For 2024 our goal is to generate 100 individual donors willing to give monthly and who are willing to pray daily. In 2023, we gained 9 individual donors and 13 who were committed to giving monthly (this monthly giving represents $495 per month from folks outside of Calvary Chape Aspen Trail).

[] Pray the Lord will impress upon other organizations (Churches and other nonprofit organization) to partner with us in taking an active role in serving at camp, and on the camp board, those who are willing to invest not just their time, and talents, but who are willing to help with raising the necessary funds to build and operate Camp Treehouse. Currently, we have one church partnering with Camp Treehouse (Calvary Chapel Aspen Trail), for 2024 our goal is to create strategic relationships with five or more churches.

[] Pray for Pastor Tom as he shares the vision with other churches and nonprofit groups – pray he can clearly articulate the vision God has given.

[] Land acquisition – Pray the Lord would bless Camp Treehouse by enlarging our territory, so that we can build Camp Treehouse, help win folks to Christ, bring about healing for those who struggle, and to bring the triune God glory & praise (specifically, 100 acres, with trees, water, centrally located between Denver and Colorado Springs, not more than an hour away).

[] Pray for Mr. Meacham (the current landowners of the property we hope to acquire). Pray the Lord would compel them to show us favor, either by donating the land, or by significantly reducing the price of the land, or a combination of the two.
[] Land Development – Pray once we acquire the land, the Lord will supply both the resources and the people to build Camp Treehouse (Developers, Engineers, Builders, and laborers willing to put in some good ole’ fashion sweat equity).
[X] Pray that we can get Pete Nelson (the Treehouse Master), Anthony Archer-Wills (the Pool Master), Lucas Lagoons, and the folks at Bonsai to agree to work together to build Camp Treehouse, at a reasonable price, and in a timely manner. (I’ve already have spoken to each of these folks – I shared our vision for Camp Treehouse, and they are all excited to do their part!)
[] Pray there will be no issues with local and state government agencies regarding the necessary permits and if there are issues that we will have the wisdom to work through those issues.
[] Pray that we can get the television network (Animal Planet or another Network) to agree to allow Pete Nelson, Anthony Archer-Wills, Lucas (from Lucas Lagoons), and Bonsai to build Camp Treehouse on television in a multi-season crossover event.

The Camp Treehouse Trauma Camp Journey

As the founder of Camp Treehouse Trauma Camp, my hope in journaling our progress is that all who read this would both be encouraged and be reminded to pray for Camp Treehouse and its Leadership daily. I will from time to time come back to update this blog for your...

Updated Prayer Request

As of this post, we have raised a little more than $25K in less than a year AND we now have 562 Prayer Warriors, and 13 monthly Campaign Warriors ~ GOD IS GOOD! As we moved forward in our obedience to God - with trying to get Camp Treehouse built, our desire was to...