About Camp Treehouse Trauma Camp

“We Just Need Everyone to do Their Small Part!”

Our Executive Board

Each of our board members all are both solid Christians and US Military Veterans. The Executive Board is responsible for both the Administrative and Operational Activities Camp Treehouse.

From left to right:

Our Founder & President – Tom Broadbent (pictured with his wife Debbie) has been a Christian 30+ years, graduated from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary with a master’s in theology, and is a 28-year Army Veteran with 3 Combat tours. Tom spent almost 10 years in Camp Ministry all throughout the 90s, and has served as a Camp Counselor, Activities Director, Camp Manager, and has served on the Camp Board for a Christian Camp located in Southern California.

Tom has been married to Debbie since November of 1999. Together they have three adult children all married, with a total of seven grandchildren (6 boys, and 1 girl).

Tom’s time in the military consisted of eight years in the California National Guard, where he served two years as a Combat Engineer (12B), and six years as a Calvary Scout (19D); during which time he deployed to the LA Riots and participated in number of humanitarian relief efforts. After a five-year break in service, Tom went Active Duty just after 9/11, wherein he initially served as an Infantryman (11B) for two years. It was during this time Tom Deployed to Iraq in 2004 and was part of a three-week offensive in Fallujah (Nov ’04) a battle the media called, “The worst close quarter combat since Vietnam.” After Tom’s initial deployment he reclassed (changed jobs) back to being a Scout, and eventually reclassed again to become a Special Agent with CID (31D). As a Special Agent Tom had two additional deployments one to Iraq, and another to Afghanistan. Some of Tom actions in the military have been recognized with Tom being awarded the Soldier’s Medal, a Bronze Star, and several Army Comendation Medals to name a few. Tom retired from Active Duty as a Cheif Warrant Officer Three.

Tom continues to help Veterans & First Responders as he currently teaches the REBOOT Combat Recovery material – material designed to help folks and their families struggling with Combat/Work related trauma. To learn more about our founder Tom Broadbent, double-click on his photo to be redirected to his LinkedIn Profile. For more information on REBOOT Combat Recovery or any of their other classes, check out their website at: www.REBOOTrecovery.com 

MEMBER OF American Camp Association (ACA), Member Number:              C-9283224

Our Treasurer – Dave Bilberry (pictured with his wife Patty) is an eight-year Air Force Veteran (Jonny & Tom won’t hold that against him). Dave has been married to his wife Patty since June 2001; together Dave and Patty have four children.

Since leaving the military, Dave became an Integration Engineer and has earned a bachelor’s degree in computer information systems from Colorado Christian University.

Dave and his family enjoy hiking, kayaking, and camping.

To learn more about our Treasurer David Bilberry, double-click on his photo to be redirected to his LinkedIn Profile.

Our Secretary – Jonny Benton (pictured with his wife Lindsey). Jonny not only serves as our secretary but is the Executive Director of Wild Warrior Adventure, and is a life and professional development coach. He is a retired Staff Sergeant (SSG) from the United States Army. He was medically retired in October of 2013 after being on active duty for almost 12 years. He served with the 3rd US Infantry (The Old Guard) in both C Co and A Co out of Ft. Myer, VA; with C Co, 2/503 Airborne, 173rd ABCT out of Vicenza, Italy; and as an instructor with the 7th Army Noncommissioned Officer Academy, Grafenwoehr, Germany.

Jonny has been married to Lindsey since October 2004 and together they have three beautiful daughters: Sierra, Savannah and Skye. Their journey through the military and a combat deployment has taken their family through both life-altering and strengthening times.

Jonny spent his time in the Military as an Airborne Infantryman. He served proudly as a Squad Leader in an Airborne unit and was trained as an Instructor for the Warrior Leaders Course. In July of 2008, his Platoon was involved in the Battle of Wanat. One of the deadliest battles of the Afghan war. Although the odds were against all of them, he survived. This battle is where his journey began. He has been recognized for his skills, knowledge and valor with medals such as the Bronze Star, the Army Commendation Medal with Valor and many more.

As a Maxwell Leadership Certified Coach and Speaker, Jonny loves to help others find purpose and direction. When he’s not looking to improve the lives of others, he spends his time expanding his knowledge on the outdoors through fly fishing, fly tying, snowboarding and anything near water. His time in the Army only fueled his passion and love for the outdoors. Jonny finds healing by remaining actively engaged in the Veteran community and helping fellow Veterans find their healing through a relationship with Christ. He continues to use his leadership experience to guide and mentor others in their pursuit and give glory to God. To learn more about our Secretary Jonny Benton, double-click on his photo to be redirected to his LinkedIn Profile.

Our Board of Governors

Our Board of Governors are responsible for the Spiritual oversight of our ministry. Each member of this Board must be an ordained pastor and in good standing within thier local fellowship.

From Left to Right:

Pastor Bob Fukui, an Associate Pastor at Calvary Chapel Pearl Harbor

Pastor David Bustamante, was saved in 1989 and has served faithfully in ministry as a Pastor for 22 years. David currentlly serves as an Associate Pastor at Calvary Chapel Chino Valley.

Pastor Ric Brown, an Executive Pastor at a local Assembly of God Church has been saved for more than 50 years, and has served faithfully in ministry for more than 30 years. Pastor Ric has also served in the United States Army as a Military Chaplain and as a Military Police Officer, with multiple deployments. And certainly not least of his accomplishments is the fact that Ric has been married to his lovely wife for the better part of 38 years!

What We Believe

  • The Bible – Every word in the original writings of the Holy Scriptures is inspired of God, authoritative and without error.  The Bible is the only written revelation of God to man and is infallible (2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Pet. 1:21; 30:5-6).
  • The Godhead – There is one God, existing eternally in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  God is a Spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable ( 34:6-7; Deut. 6:4; Matt. 28: 19; John 4:24; 10:30; Acts 5:3-4; 2 Cor. 13:14; Heb. 1:8-12).
  • Jesus Christ – The Lord Jesus is the eternal Son of God.  He entered the human race miraculously by being born of a virgin.  He did not sin, and He could not sin.  He died as a substitute for all the sins of the human race, was buried, rose bodily from the grave. and ascended to the Father’s right hand, where He now ministers as our Great High Priest and our advocate ( 1:21-23; John 1:1, 14; Acts 1:9; Rom. 1:3-4; 2 Cor. 5:21; Heb. 4:14-15; 7:25; 13:8; 1 Pet. 2:24; 3:1 8).
  • The Holy Spirit – The Holy Spirit convicts and converts the sinner.  He regenerates, indwells, baptizes, and seals all true believers in Christ and empowers them to live a holy life ( 28:19; John 16:8; Rom. 8:9-16; 1 Cor. 12:13; Eph. 1: 12-14).
  • Man – Adam was created in the image and likeness of God and was an innocent being.  He subsequently sinned, and as head of the human race he passed on a sinful nature to all mankind.  All men are sinners by nature but also by practice.  Apart from God’s salvation man is lost eternally ( 1:27; 9:6; Rom. 5:12; Eph. 2:1).
  • Sin – Sin is any violation of or disobedience to the revealed will of God.  It is also a state, the absence of righteousness, or anything that falls short of the perfect glory of God.  God has established that the penalty of sin is death ( 53:6; Ezek. 18:4; Rom. 3:23; Jas. 2:10; 4:17; Rev. 20:11-15).
  • Salvation – Without the shedding of the precious blood of Christ, there is no remission of sin.  Salvation is by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and entirely apart from law-keeping or good works. It is entered into by all those who hear and understand the gospel, repent of their sins, and trust in Jesus Christ alone as their Lord and Savior (Mark 1:15; John 1:12-13; Acts 4:12; 10:9-13; 1 Cor. 15.1-4; Heb. 9:22).
  • The Church – The universal Church is made up of all true believers in the Lord Jesus from Pentecost to the Rapture.  Each local assembly or church should be a miniature of the universal Church, expressing the great truths of the latter. The local church is made up of believers in the Lord Jesus who have been baptized following their conversion and who meet together for teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, prayers, and evangelism.  Christ is the head of each local church, and He entrusts leadership to the elders, MEN who are recognized as Christ’s under-shepherds; responsible for leading and teaching those entrusted to them (which comes with all the accountability we see in James 3:1).  Each local church is also to have deacons/deaconesses (men and women) to serve the practical needs of the church (Acts 2:42-47; Acts 6:3-6; Romans 16:1-2; 1 Cor. 12:12-13, 27; 1 Tim. 3:1-13; 13:17).
  • Ordinances – There are two Christian ordinances: baptism and the Lord’s Supper.  Baptism by immersion signifies that the believer has died with Christ, has been buried with Him, and has risen to walk in newness of life with Him.  The Lord’s Supper is a memorial feast at which believers worship the Lord and show forth His death and work of the cross until He comes again.  ( 28:19-20; Luke 22:19-20; Acts 10:47-48; 20:7; 1 Cor. 11:26).
  • Assurance and Security – All true believers can know that they are saved on the authority of the Word of God. Those who are in Christ are safe and secure for all eternity (John 10:28-29; 5:1; 2 Tim. 1:12; 1 Jn. 5:13).
  • Christian Life – Christians are called to live a holy life.  They are to be disciples of Jesus Christ and as such, to live lives of service and testimony in the power of the Holy Spirit.  This service includes ministry in the home, the church, the community, or any combination of the above. The same can be said of the sharing of the gospel (i.e., we are called to share/model the gospel to those in our homes, our communities, and to the whole world).  ( 6:19-34; Mark 8:34-35; 1 Cor. 3:12-15; 1 Pet. 1:15-16; 1 Jn. 2:6; Matt 28:19-20).
  • Marriage – The Bible is very clear, marriage is between one biological man, and one biological woman. This was the design from the very beginning of Genesis. God stated, in Genesis 2:18, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” Then we see God do something that cannot be refuted. In verse 21-22, “And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He (God) took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh in its place. Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man.” Then Adam clearly stated in verse 23, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man.” Finally, we see in verse 24 these words: “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” Nowhere in these verses do we see same sex marriage – it was between one man (Adam) and one woman (Eve). In fact, we see both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament where God thru His word (the Bible) makes clear that same sex relationships were not only un-natural but an abomination. (Lev. 20:13; Jude 1:7; Rom. 1:26-28; 1 Cor. 6:9-11; 1Tim. 1:8-11).
  • Love – Although the Scripture is clear regarding sin, it is also clear that we are to Love the Triune God, with all our hearts, mind, strength, and soul; and were to love our neighbors (anyone we happen to come across) not only as ourselves, but as Christ has loved us (Sacrificially). So, although as Christians we’re commanded to NOT to practices lawlessness – we are to love the sinner and hate the sin. This doesn’t mean we have to accept wrong behavior as being ok, but we are to love others thru it and model grace, mercy, forgiveness, and love. (Deut. 6:5; Mk. 12:29-31; Jn. 13:34-35).
  • Spiritual Gifts – Christ gives to each believer, either by natural ability or by supernatural gifting at conversion, by the ministry of the Holy Spirit, some gift or gifts to equip him/her to serve the Lord and edify other believers.  Gifts are given by a sovereign act of God’s Spirit. None of the gifts given should be used in contradiction to the Scriptures; God is a God of order. ( 12:6-8; 1 Cor. 12:7-11; 14:22; 2 Cor. 12:12; Eph. 2:20; 3:6; 4:11-12; Heb. 2:3-4).
  • Future Events – God has revealed different dispensations, or stewardships, with corresponding rules governing life and relationship with God.  In every dispensation the way of salvation is by faith alone.  The present dispensation is the age of grace.  The church did not exist prior to this age and does not take the place of Israel in the prophecies of Scripture.  The personal, imminent return of the Lord Jesus to Rapture the Church will be followed in order by the tribulation.  Christ’s thousand-year reign on earth, and the eternal state of punishment for the unsaved and blessing for the saved ( 24:21, 29-30; 25:46; Rom. 6:14; 1 Cor. 10:32; Eph. 3:2-6: Col. 1:25-27; 1 Thes. 4:13-18; 5:4-10; Heb. 7:18-19; Rev. 10:1-6).


Veteran Owned - Veteran Operated

Veteran Founded Nonprofit

Camp Treehouse is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, EIN:92-3694864.

Donations are Tax-Deductible.