“We Just Need Everyone to do Their Small Part!”

Welcome to Camp Treehouse

Our primary goal is speaking truth into people’s lives by reaching folks for Christ, encouraging those who serve our communities, and those who protect our nation.

Our secondary goal is to create a ministry where all those who partner with us whether through their prayer support, their finances, or as a strategic partnership, everyone has a voice, and a place within our ministry.

So, please allow me to invite you to explore our site and learn how together we can impact not just a generation but multiple generations for years. Bringing healing, a fresh perspective to life and a renewed sense of purpose.

Our Mission & Vision

Our Vision: In 2013, while watching a television program for the very first time called The Treehouse Master with Pete Nelson, I got excited! I immediately thought, “Wow! We need to build, and entire Christian Camp & Conference Center built almost entirely in the trees.” It was at that moment in time when I received what I believe to be a God inspired, God given Vision for Camp Treehouse.

Initially, my wife questioned me, “Is this your flesh? Or did it really come from God?” Well, since 2013, every year, two or three times a year, God impresses upon my heart the need to build Camp Treehouse. And each time He does, I receive more and more details about what Camp Treehouse will look like, and who it will serve.

In March 2023, while pastoring a small church planted in a retirement community, God directed me to share this 10+ year old vision for Camp Treehouse with our local fellowship (Calvary Chapel Aspen Trail), with a simple request to simply pray for 4 weeks. Six weeks later, we came together to see what God would have us do. It was then that we as a fellowship decided to start a building fund. We started collecting funds by July 2023 (once we set up our 501(c)3 nonprofit status). Our initial year-end goal for Camp Treehouse was to raise $10K as a gauge to see if God was in it or not (this is how we prayed). By year-end God exceeded our expectation and we were able to raise a little more than $12K.

At the time, our small fellowship of approximately 20 Senior Citizens whose average monthly offering consisted of approximately $700 – $1,000 per month, decided to start the building fund – our average monthly offerings shot up to approximately $2,500 – $3,000 per month. Our commitment was to set aside 33% of our monthly offerings specifically for Camp Treehouse. Additionally, we began reaching out to folks on social media, wherein we set up a PayPal account for folks to donate either as a one-time donation, or as a monthly donation. Since then, between our small fellowship, and those on social media, we have raised a little more than $25,000 (in less than a year) – GOD IS GOOD! 

As we continue to be faithful stewards of this vision God has given us, we have reached out to those we want to partner with, to build Camp Treehouse to get cost estimates. Part of our vision is to get the Treehouse Master (Pete Nelson), to team up with the Pool Master (Anthony Archer-Wills), Lucas Lagoons, and Bonsai to build Camp Treehouse on television in a huge crossover event; but of course, we need to know what it will cost.

We spoke with the Treehouse Master, the Pool Master, Lucas Lagoons (all of which have their own television program), and we spoke with the folks over at Bonsai (the experts in building zip-line courses) and they all provided us with rough quotes on building out their part in Camp Treehouse.

The total Cost… roughly twenty-two million dollars ($22,000,000.00). I immediately went to the Lord in prayer, and I asked God, “Really?” God reminded me of Nehemiah and how he desired to rebuild the wall to the Temple in Jerusalem. Even after getting permission from King Artaxerxes and getting his full support, Nehemiah need help (laborers) in rebuilding the wall. When he went to the Jews for help, they all complained and came up with excuses why they could not go and help build the wall. It was too much work, too expensive, they had other responsibilities, on and on they complained. Nehemiah asked each one, if they could simply rebuild the small part of the wall right in front of their homes. They each agreed and were able to rebuild the entire wall in record time of just 52 days (nothing short of a miracle).

When I asked God, “How can I, a retired, disabled Vet and twenty Senior Citizen build a $22 million dollar Camp facility?”

God simply said, we just need everyone to do their small part.

Our Mission: As we moved forward in our obedience to God and in our effort to build Camp Treehouse Trauma Camp, our desire is to win folks to Christ, and to bring about healing for so many who struggle daily with combat/work related trauma – simply by speaking and teaching the truth of God’s word. To that end, our focus has narrowed to helping three particular people groups over a Five Phase Approach:


Veterans, First Responders, & their Spouses (The Heart behind the Vision): The Bible teaches that there is no greater love than when someone lays down their life for another. Well, it is often said, “Jesus died for our souls, and the American fighting men/women died for our freedoms.” both out of a deep love and respect for you and for me.

Currently, we have two (2) First Responders and between Twenty (20) and Twenty-two (22) Veterans that commit suicide each and every day, because they don’t get the help they need or want. And sadly, when our Heros suffer from combat/work related trauma, they do not suffer alone. Their trauma affects their kids, their spouses, their parents, and their friends and co-workers.

There are a lot of great programs out there to help out Veterans & First Responders; programs like REBOOT Recovery, Wild Ops, and Wild Warrior Adventure (WWA), unfortunately the need is far greater than the help that is actually available. We all need to be working together to provide real solutions, to help our Heros recover – they are wounded not broken, they can be healed. They just need our help! Together let’s build a one of a kind camp, Camp Treehouse Trauma Camp!


Ministry Folks & their Spouses: Sadly, 1 in 5 individuals who get into ministry doing what they are passionate about and what they feel called to do, quit within 5 years due to burn-out. You have 10% of the people doing 90% of the work and they feel over worked, under resourced, and unappreciated. Our desire is to create a scholarship fund to bring them and their spouses up to our Camp Treehouse Trauma Camp, so they can unplug, unwind, and get refueled to go back to what they really are passionate about – doing what God has called them to.


Our Young People: Today we have too many of our young folks who are struggling with who they are and where do they fit in. Many of them have been lied to and tricked into thinking they are either not enough, or perhaps God made some sort of mistake when He created them. Our heart is to speak truth to them in a traditional Christian Camp setting, with a new and exciting twist.


To compliment our Camp Treehouse Trauma Camp we desire to build out an Equine Therapy Center.


In our final phase, we hope to build out an agricultural farm (CTH Farms), to help Camp Treehouse Trauma Camp be self-sufficeint.

Our hope is that we can help to provide our homeless Veterans a place to live, and regain a since of purpose while we help them get back on their feet.

And That’s Not It…

As a compliment to Phase One and Phase Five, we also want to host three and four day retreats to help our transitioning Soldiers and their spouses with resume writting, interview preparations, interview techniques all culminating in a job fair.

Again, we can do this! We just need everyone to do their small part!

2024 Goals

As we entered 2024, as a Leadership Team, we began praying about what this new year would look like, and what goals we should set. We wanted goals that were quantifiable that would move in a positive forward direction. Goals that would further confirm that God is in this, and that we are walking in obedience to His will. As we prayed it became very clear what was needed:

1000 Prayer Warriors: The Bible teaches that our battle is not against flesh & blood, but against the “Spiritual Realm” it’s called spiritual warfare. So, God impressed upon our hearts that we needed a Spiritual Army of Prayer Warriors those willing to pray for us and all the inner workings of Camp Treehouse on a daily basis. If you’re interested in becoming a Prayer Warrior and serving in this capacity, please connect with us via the Communication Tab above.

100 Monthly Campaign Warriors: As a means of putting out a “Fleece” to obtain confirmation of God’s work in this ministry. Our obedience to God is the same responsibility of each individual person. For us it’s simply to share the vision. For you, as you pray it may look different; if God puts it on your heart to give financially, your responsibility is to be obedient to whatever that looks like, if it’s $10, $50, or $100 per month is not important – that’s between you and God. Currently, we are looking for 100 Campaign Warriors who can commit to giving to this ministry on a monthly basis. If you are interested in becoming a Campaign Warrior and partnering with us in this capacity, check out our Campaign Tab above.

5 or More Strategic Partnerships: We are currently praying for 5 or more strategic partnerships to expand both our community awareness, community engagement, and support via administrative and operational input. These Strategic Partnerships will have a seat at the table and assist in future decisions. If you are interested in serving in this capacity, please reach out to our Leadership Team via the Communication Tab above.

Proof of Concept REBOOT Summer Camp: It is our desire to rent the facilities from another Christian camp and run a one-week camp for Veterans and First Responders, just as we would in our own facility to provide a “Proof of Concept” to give our Donors and Strategic Partners a better idea what we are trying to accomplish. Part of running a one-week camp is using the REBOOT Combat Recovery material, combined with getting our Nation’s Heros outside engaged in activities, where they can decompress and build relationships with other folks going through the same thing they are struggling with – and hopefully come back from camp with a built-in community that they can connect with.

REBOOT Combat Recovery is a Bible based course – not a support group – providing practical help for Service Members, Veterans, & First Responders dealing with the moral and spiritual wounds from combat and work-related trauma. You won’t find shortcuts or easy answers, but instead you’ll find solutions that last. To learn more about REBOOT Recovery and their AWESOME ministry, check out their website at www.REBOOTRecovery.com


We Need Your Help

Prayer Support: We are looking for 1,000 Prayer Warriors willing to do battle on their knees through prayer! Currently we have 563. When we try to be obedient to God, Satan doesn’t like it. It’s called Spiritual Warfare; we’re looking for folks willing to pray daily for our team and for all aspects of Camp Treehouse – Current Prayer Request can be found on the Prayers & Updates Tab above.

Campaign Support: After spending time in prayer, IF you feel led to partner with us financially; we have been praying for 100 individual donors who are willing to become a Campaign Warriors by donating on a monthly basis – the dollar amount is not as important as your obedience to what God places on your heart. For those who commit to $10 or more on a monthly basis or who donates $100 or more as a one time donation, we’ll send you a free Camp Treehouse T-Shirt to show our appreciation. Those interested in becoming a Campaign Warrior and serving in this capacity, please see our Campaign Tab above.

Strategic Partnership: If you’re a Pastor of a church or a Senior Leader in an Organization looking to partner with a Nonprofit that genuinely is looking to serve our community and to help those who are hurting look no further – We are actively seeking Strategic Partnerships with Five (5) or more organizations that can help us achieve our goals and stated vision for Camp Treehouse. Those who have an interest in partnering with us please reach out via the Communication Tab above.

Camp Treehouse Ambassador: With any Nonprofit Organization, communication and community awareness is key. We are looking for folks who share the same passion as we do to be a mouthpieces, to help raise awareness of our vision and stated goals. If you’re interested in helping us in this area, please use the Communication Tab above.

A Quest For Excellence

The vision we have is to get the Treehouse Master (Pete Nelson), to team up with the Pool Master (Anthony Archer-Wills), Lucas Lagoons, and Bonsai to build Camp Treehouse on television, in a huge multi-season crossover event. This camp will be built complete with a dining facility, a chapel, and cabins all built almost entirely in the trees, connected with suspension bridges. Additionally, we’ll have a professionally designed zip-line challenge course, installed by Bonsai. We will have sand volleyball courts, basketball courts, and an amphitheater (with a huge fire pit for bon-fires) and of course a lake, lazy river, waterfalls, and plenty of swimming pools for all to swim in.

And that’s just for starters!

Building of the Camp. . .

Getting the Treehouse Mater is not cheap!!!  But if you want to be the best you have to get the best. We believe Pete Nelson and his crew is just what Camp Treehouse needs! We are confident getting Pete Nelson and his crew to build Camp Treehouse will give us the exposure we need. More importantly, Nelson Treehouse and Supply will meet with us to better understand our vision for the perfect treehouses ~ which will allow us to build the perfect treehouse camp!

Pete Nelson’s design services:

This typically happens after a site visit. A conceptual design involves an elevation, floor plan and platform plan. The cost of a Conceptual Design is $15,000. Engineering and architectural renderings may be needed for permitting and/or construction. This will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and the estimated costs will be drawn from the approved conceptual design.

Remember we are not just building a single Treehouse but an entire camp!

Obviously once we are in a position to meet with Pete Nelson, we will have a better estimate of what it will cost to build Camp Treehouse. I AM EXCITED!!!


As previously stated, we desire to reach kids for Christ, we also want to reach Veterans, 1st Responders, and full-time Ministry Leaders who struggle with PTSD and or depression, with the hopes that we can bring about healing and restoration. We at Camp Treehouse believe having a zip-line challenge course would bring an added value to our camp; especially in breaking down some walls and allowing us to build bridges. We at Camp Treehouse believe Bonsai is the best in the business to help us accomplish this.

A Word from Bonsai . . .

“Over the last 20 years, Bonsai Design has refined our process, and nothing makes us happier than taking you

through the complete project cycle.

Our clients benefit from the unique, personal, and customizable experience that Bonsai offers.”

Industry Experience:

– 20 years of experience in the Aerial Adventure Course industry

– We pioneered the first twin-line system in the U.S.

– We pioneered the hand-brake optional Zip Line Canopy Tour interface

– Our industry leading development of safety systems and operational systems provides you with a guaranteed product

Standards compliance:

– Bonsai Design is a Professional Vendor Member with the ACCT

– We are 100% OSHA compliant on every installation

– Our professionally engineered programs meet applicable ACCT, ASTM and ANSI standards

– We’ve been involved with ongoing standards development with the ACCT and the ASTM

What’s camp without a lake and maybe a breath-taking waterfall…

In nature, waterfalls attract hikers from miles away. Anthony Archer-Wills puts the changing patterns of light, the movement, and sound of falling water at our doorsteps. His design-build techniques exhibit his unparalleled skill at creating variation in water patterns and sound, by managing the speed and angle of the approaching water, ensuring the finished work appeals to all of the senses. Rocks appropriate to the landscape, such as limestone, schist or granite, are specially sourced and selected. Variation in rock size and types is key to any design, especially in reproducing a natural look. Texture, color and shape are among the factors considered. Once the materials are selected, placement is a matter of a skilled eye and seasoned hand, affecting both the pond or waterfall’s function and beauty. Ultimately, making Camp Treehouse an inviting place for all to come.

And of course, we need some swimming pools. . .

With the lake, waterfall, and lazy river in-place, its time to install a fantastic pool for all to enjoy on Adventure Island – and who else better to pull off a one-of-a-kind design than Lucas over at Lucas Lagoons, where they like to think from a higher-end perspective. Their pool shells are built stronger, with more extensive engineering than what is required for standard pools. Their waterfalls and grottos must be constructed to hold the weight of themselves, and they must be put on a solid foundation. They must withstand years of weathering and shifting. So, in a sense, they are over-engineered to make sure they are safe and solid. And Lucas Lagoons prides itself on being a full-service builder, making any pool created for Camp Treehouse to be something to be desired.

Camp Treehouse Sponsors/Donors

Every Sponsor, Strategic Partner, and Donor you see here were obedient to what God placed on their hearts regarding their partnership with us in this ministry. More importantly, they are answered prayer for so many of us, as many of us on the Camp Treehouse Team have prayed specifically that God would bring us both Strategic Partnerships, Sponsors and Donors to help us build Camp Treehouse. Thank you Lord, and thank you to those who have responded in obedience.

Veteran Owned - Veteran Operated

Veteran Founded Nonprofit

Camp Treehouse is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, EIN:92-3694864.

Donations are Tax-Deductible.